Did you know that there are about 10,000 Multilevel Marketing companies in the world? It’s a huge number right? And to your surprise, Network marketing companies and multi level marketing opportunities are still expanding. Wondering why? Because technology in direct selling is expanding with the passage of each day. People are drawn to the inspiring stories told by prominent MLM companies such as Lularoe, Market America, Amway, Avon, Mary Kay, and others – stories made even more compelling through the strategic utilization of cutting-edge MLM software. Let’s go through the 100 mlm companies Why is the network marketing industry so popular around the world? Well, there could be a great deal of opportunities hidden beneath the direct selling industry. did-you-know-mlm-info

Top 100 MLM or Network Marketing Companies

Multi Level marketing (MLM) is a monetary strategy employed by direct sales firms to incentivize current distributors to recruit new distributors. There are many direct selling companies that have been on the rise over the years. Concurrently, there are many new direct selling companies breaking new grounds in the network marketing industry. Here is a list of the top 100 best MLM companies or network marketing firms. From Herbalife, Amway, Forever Living, Avon, Nature Cosmetics, and the list go on. We have listed out the companies based on the profits made by them in the last few years, and it’s a great demonstration of the growing demand for network marketing in our current age.
Rank Company Founding Year Ann.Revenue Country Networth
1 Herbalife 1980 $ 5.20 USA $ 3.38 Billion
2 Amway 1959 $ 8.90 USA $4 Billion
3 Forever Living 1978 $ 4.11 USA $ 2.75 Billion
4 Avon 1886 $ 3.51 USA $ 1.6 Billion
5 Natura Cosmetics 1969 $ 7.77 Brazil $5.6 Billion
6 Jeunesse 2009 $ 8.00 USA N/A
7 Vorwerk 1883 $ 4.40 Germany N/A
8 LG Household & Health 1947 $ 6.60 South Korea $ 23.4 Billion
9 Amore Pacific 1945 $ 3.45 South Korea $ 4.76 Billion
10 Isagenix 2002 $ 6.00 USA N/A
11 Infinitus 1992 $ 3.41 China $ 3 Billion
12 Perfect China 1994 $ 3.06 China N/A
13 Coway 1989 $ 3.00 South Korea N/A
14 Quanjian 2004 $ 2.89 China N/A
15 Mary Kay 1963 $ 2.80 USA $ 3.7 Billion
16 Melaleuca 1985 $ 2.71 USA N/A
17 Nu Skin 1984 $ 2.70 USA $ 3.7 Billion
18 PM International 1993 $ 2.50 Germany N/A
21 LegalShield 1972 $ 2.26 USA N/A
20 Primerica 1977 $ 2.21 USA $ 15.81 Billion
19 Young Living 1993 $ 2.20 USA $ 1.5 Billion
22 DoTerra 2008 $ 1.89 USA N/A
23 eXp Realty 2002 $ 1.80 USA N/A
24 Tupperware 1948 $ 2.26 USA $ 0.86 Billion
25 Rodan + Fields 2002 $ 1.57 USA N/A
26 Joymain 2009 $ 1.49 China N/A
27 Oriflame 1967 $ 1.40 Sweden $ 1.3 Billion
28 USANA 1992 $ 1.35 USA $ 1.52 Billion
29 O Boticário 1977 $ 1.21 Brazil N/A
30 Ambit Energy 2006 $ 1.20 US $ 0.5 Billion
31 New Era Health 1995 $ 1.19 China N/A
32 New Era 1995 $ 1.10 China $ 0.56 Billion
33 Telecom Plus 1997 $ 1.10 UK $ 0.51 Billion
34 Belcorp 1968 $ 1.09 Peru $ 5 Billion
35 Lyconet 2003 $ 1.05 Austria N/A
36 SeneGence 1999 $ 1.02 USA $ 0.7 Billion
37 Scentsy 2004 $ 1.00 USA N/A
38 Crowd1 2018 $ 1.00 UAE $ 8 Million
39 World Ventures 2005 $ 092 USA N/A
40 Longrich 1986 $ 0.99 China $ 0.45 BIllion
41 Yanbal International 1967 $ 0.97 Peru $ 1.9 Million
42 Pola 1929 $ 0.96 Japan $ 3.4 Billion
43 Sun Hope 1978 $ 0.94 USA N/A
44 Optavia – Medifast 1980 $ 0.93 USA N/A
45 DXN 1993 $ 0.92 USA N/A
46 Team Beachbody 1998 $ 0.87 USA $ 3.4 Billion
47 Market America 1992 $ 0.87 USA $ 3 Million
48 Arbonne International 1975 $ 0.84 USA $ 1.5 Billion
49 Hinode Cosméticos 1988 $ 0.70 Brazil N/A
50 Juice Plus+ 1970 $ 0.69 USA $ 4.5 Million
51 Team National 1999 $ 0.64 USA N/A
52 Color Street 2017 $ 0.59 USA N/A
53 Yofoto 2004 $ 0.59 China N/A
58 Plexus Worldwide 2006 $ 0.57 USA N/A
54 It Works! Global 2001 $ 0.53 USA N/A
55 QNet 1988 $ 0.52 Malaysia N/A
59 LuLaRoe 2013 $ 0.52 USA $ 500 Million
56 Miki Corp. 1966 $ 0.51 Japan N/A
60 Farmasi 2010 $ 0.51 Turkey N/A
57 Shaklee 1956 $ 0.50 USA N/A
61 IM Master Academy 2013 $ 0.48 USA N/A
62 New Age 1996 $ 0.48 USA $ 0.08 Billion
63 Rolmex 2001 $ 0.45 China N/A
64 Golden Days China 1991 $ 0.44 China N/A
65 Tiens 1995 $ 0.43 China N/A
66 Le-Vel 2012 $ 0.42 USA N/A
67 Thirty-One Gifts 2003 $ 0.41 USA N/A
70 New Image Group 1984 $ 0.41 New Zealand N/A
68 Omnilife 1992 $ 0.40 Mexico $ 1.5 Billion
69 Faberlic 1997 $ 0.40 Russia N/A
71 Lux International 1901 $ 0.39 Switzerland N/A
72 Cosway 1979 $ 0.36 Malaysia N/A
73 Monat Global 2014 $ 0.36 USA N/A
74 Pruvit 2015 $ 0.36 USA N/A
75 Younique 2012 $ 0.36 USA N/A
76 Modere 1990 $ 0.36 USA N/A
77 BeautyCounter 2013 $ 0.34 USA N/A
78 4Life 1998 $ 0.34 USA N/A
79 Hy Cite Enterprises 1959 $ 0.34 USA N/A
80 For Days Co. 1997 $ 0.32 Japan N/A
81 Seacret Direct 2005 $ 0.32 USA N/A
82 Stella & Dot 2003 $ 0.31 USA N/A
83 Just International 1930 $ 0.31 Switzerland N/A
84 Pure romance 1993 $ 0.31 USA N/A
85 Vestige Marketing 2004 $ 0.31 India $ 0.12 Billion
86 Apollo China 1988 $ 0.31 China N/A
88 Menard Cosmetics 1959 $ 0.31 Japan N/A
87 Family Heritage Life 1989 $ 0.30 USA N/A
89 Betterway 1988 $ 0.29 Thailand N/A
90 Pampered Chef 1980 $ 0.29 USA N/A
91 LR Health & Beauty 1985 $ 0.28 Germany N/A
92 ModiCare 1996 $ 0.28 India N/A
93 ACN 1993 $ 0.27 USA N/A
94 New U Life 2017 $ 0.27 USA N/A
95 Noevir 1964 $ 0.25 Japan N/A
96 Unicity 2001 $ 0.24 USA N/A
97 Elken 1995 $ 0.24 Malaysia N/A
98 Ariix 2011 $ 0.24 USA $ 0.5 Billion
99 Prowin international 1995 $ 0.23 Germany N/A
100 Nature’s Sunshine 1972 $ 0.11 USA $ 0.33 Billion

How Do MLM Companies Work?

MLM companies generate revenue primarily through the sale of their products or services. Distributors earn commissions on their own sales, as well as on the sales made by the distributors they recruit into the business, forming their downline. Additionally, distributors can also earn commissions or bonuses when their downlines make a sale. The primary notion behind the MLM strategy is to encourage maximum distributors to sell the product thereby boosting the salesforce. The network marketing encourages current members to develop and sell products to attract new employees to the company. The company gives dealers a percentage of each sale. MLM earners are then encouraged to join the distributor downline or network to increase sales, resulting in more income.

The below infographics illustrates the overall statistics of direct selling across the globe. Check it, to know further regarding the prominent direct market selling’s share worldwide as of 2022.

direct-selling-worldwide-statistics Image Reference: Statista Here is an overview of 15 Leading MLM companies;
  1. Amway
  2. Amway was launched in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos. It also encompassess well-known brands like Artistry, Nutrilite, eSpring, and XS. The firm is renowned for offering health, beauty, and home care products.

    amway-sales-revenue-report-worldwide-from-2016-to-2021 Amway in 2023 has a significant sales network of more than 3 million independent distributors and is operational in more than 100 countries globally.
  3. Jeunesse
  4. In 2009, Wendy Lewis and Randy Ray started Jeunesse. It is a cutting-edge international business that uses the latest technology to develop innovative products, training, and assistance.Their products are valued for their affordability and high quality, and they have numerous worldwide distributors.

  5. Natura Cosmetics
  6. It is a renowned multi-level marketing company that was established in 1959 by Antonio Luiz Seabra. They sell products varying from health and beauty to home care.The business operates globally in more than 73 nations and on 6 continents. Furthermore, it has a network of 5.6 billion USD.

  7. LG Household & health
  8. The company LG Household & health, which was founded in South Korea in 2001, has a large customer base with a net worth of 23.4 billion USD.It provides skincare, household, healthcare, and anti-aging products. Apart from that, it also offers juice, soda, energy drinks, and other beverages.

  9. Isagenix
  10. The company was formed by John Anderson, Jim Cover, and Kathy Cover in 2002 with its headquarters at Gibert, Arizona. Isagenix is a multinational health and wellness firm that provides customers with over 100 game-changing dietary and lifestyle products, packages, and systems.It is a remarkable MLM company in Australia. One of the secrets of Isagenix’s success has been its groundbreaking and scientifically proven strategy to weight loss that employs a cleaning and fat-burning system.

  11. Herbalife

    It is a US based MLM company established in 1980 by Mark Hughes. Herbalife is a global leader in nutrition with over 40 years of expertise in making meal-replacement shakes and dietary supplements.

    herbalife-net-sales-worldwide-from-2013-to-2021 The major products of Herbalife are sports nutrition, personal care, weight control, and dietary supplements. It has nearly 2.3 million resellers in over 95 countries.
  12. Vorwerk

    Vorwerk was co-founded by Carl and Adolf Vorwerk in 1983. The brand is notable for its homeware, kitchenware, and cosmetics. The business has been around for around a century and has developed into a large, global corporate organization.The major business of the organization is the direct selling of quality enriched products. One of their best-selling items is the versatile kitchen gadget known as Thermomix.

  13. Forever Living

    It is a US-based company founded by Rex Moughan in 1978. Besides, it is also among the biggest network marketing groups in both the US and the rest of the globe. Forever Living is the highest paying MLM company in the world.It is one of the leading makeup companies that are centred on aloe vera, a plant with powerful therapeutic powers. As a result, they began to be regarded as “Aloe Vera MLM.”

  14. Amore Pacific
  15. It was launched in 1945 by Suh Sung-whan and has its headquarters at Seoul, South Korea. This MLM company is noteworthy for its cosmetics and beauty products.Additionally, their products are quality enriched and high performing that are developed from the wisdom of Asian Botanicals. They have also concentrated on lessening environmental impact by recommending sustainable lifestyles.

  16. Avon
  17. Avon was established in 1866 by David H. McConnell. Further, this network marketing organisation is a recognized supplier of cosmetics, household goods, and personal care items.The products sold by Avon are high quality, innovative, and trendy. With approximately 6.4 million active representatives, it is one of the leading beauty care companies.

  18. Infinitus
  19. Infinitus was established in 1992 and is headquartered in Hong Kong. This MLM business with Chinese roots is well noted for its health products.The company started out by launching a tonic as their first product, and as of right now, it has a net worth of roughly $3 billion.

  20. Perfect China
  21. In 1994, Koo Yuen Kim established Perfect China, which has its company headquarters in Zhongshan, Guangdong. They specialise in offering cosmetics and cleaning supplies.Numerous distributors for Perfect China sell a wide range of goods, including minerals, multivitamins, lotions, shower gels, and detergents.

  22. CowayCoway, commonly known as LifeCare Company, is a well-known MLM business in South Korea. Yoon Seok Geum founded the company in 1989.They mostly concentrate on making household items including bidets, air purifiers, and water purifiers. Additionally, the best home appliances on the Korean market are made by Coway.
  23. Quanjian
  24. Quanjian is a popular Chinese herbal medicine organisation founded by Shu Yuhui in 2004. Moreover, it sells nutritional and supplemental products.This business serves as the parent organisation for QuanJian Natural Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd.

  25. Mary Kay
  26. Mary Kay, one of the oldest MLM company was founded by Mary Kay Ash in 1963 and is a famous mlm makeup company worldwide. It offers everything from cosmetics to personal care items.With a community of more than 3.5 million beauty specialists worldwide, Mary Kay is among the largest MLM organisations in the world. Mary Kay generates about 2.8 billion USD in income each year.

Which is the Best MLM Company to Join?

The finest MLM companies to join will always provide better compensation structures. Certainly, the MLM plan, genealogy, and compensation structure the business uses will influence how much a representative is rewarded in an MLM. did-you-know-mlm-info A pyramid scheme businesses or businesses with poor compensation programs would be the most undesirable multi-level marketing organizations. It is crucial to confirm that the MLM company you are considering is not operating under the impression of an MLM but using a pyramid scheme as its business model.

Top Network Marketing Companies in India

At present, network marketing is a $168 billion industry scattered across a hundred countries. Furthermore, the current MLM network marketing statistics serves as an evidence for the rising growth of multi level marketing. There are more than 50 active top network marketing companies in India as of now. Hence, the future of network marketing in India is expected to generate more revenues. Here is a list of top network marketing companies in India
Sl.No Company Established Year Remarks
1 Modicare 1996 – Wellness, skincare, personal care, home care, food and beverages, watches, tech, jewelry, and others. – Modicare has amassed revenue of more than Rs 2023 crores in 2022.
2 Amway 1995 – Over 140 health, nutrition, beauty, and home care products. – Amway is expected to reach a turnover of Rs 20000 crores in the coming years.
3 RCM 1986 – Products comprises of food, stationery, computers & electronics, readymade, winter solutions, sarees, dress materials, textiles, accessories, footwear, plastic ware, agriculture & more.
4 Mi Lifestyle 2013 – Products in the agrocare, healthcare, homecare, and personal care sectors. – Mi Lifestyle’s revenue in 2022 is estimated to be more than 916 crores.
5 HerbaLife – Produces protein bars, teas, vitamins supplements,sports beverages, energy drinks, etc. – Herbalife’s operating revenues in India are predicted to range more than 500 crores for the 2022 FY.
6 Oriflame – Swedish beauty products manufacturer operating in India for over 25 years. – Oriflame’s revenue in India is over INR 500 crores for the financial year 2022.
7 Vestige 2004 – Over 3000 sales outlets spread across the country. – Vestige holds the 30th position in the DSN 100 list for 2020. Revenue is more than INR 500 cr for the financial year 2022.
8 DXN – Operating in over 180 nations with seven million-plus distributors and over 1500 employees. – Company’s revenue in India is between INR 100 cr – 500 cr for 2022.
9 Safe Shop – Products: Personal care, Nutrition, Food supplements, Baby products, Ayurveda and Kitchen products. – Company’s revenue is more than INR 500 cr for the financial year 2022.
10 Forever Living 1886 – Company has been around for more than 40 years and has millions of distributors spread across 160 nations. – Company’s revenue in India is expected to be between INR 1 cr – and 100 cr for 2022

Top MLM Companies in USA

The United States has legally approved and has been the major market for MLM businesses. Network marketers in the U.S generated more than 40 billion USD in sales in 2020. did-you-know-mlm-info The US has become synonymous with the MLM industry, hosting many of the world’s highest-paying MLM companies. The table below provides insight into the top ten MLM companies based in the USA.
Sl.No Company Headquarters Products Annual Revenue
1 Amway Ada, Michigan Health, beauty, and home care products $8.5 billion
2 Herbalife LA, California Weight control, dietary supplements, personal care, and sports nutrition $5.5 billion
3 Mary Kay Texas Cosmetics and skincare products $3 billion
4 Melaleuca North America wellness products, supplements, and functional foods $2.7 billion
5 Nu Skin Provo, Utah Skincare products, dietary supplements $2.58 billion
6 Forever Living Scottsdale, Arizona Aloe Vera, a natural plant with powerful therapeutic properties $2.5 billion
7 Young Living Lehi, Utah Essential oils $1 billion
8 Primerica Duluth, Georgia Insurance,Investment funds,Credit monitoring,Debt management plans $2.2 billion
9 DoTerra Pleasant Grove, Utah Essential oils, home products $1.2 billion
10 eXp Realty Bellingham, Washington Cloud-based real estate brokerage $1 billion
11 Rodan & Fields San Francisco,California Skincare Products $1.3 billion
12 Ambit Energy Dallas,Texas Electricity and Natural Gas Services $1 billion

The present infographics furnishes an industry overview of direct selling in the United States as of 2021. Have a look at it to understand the US market size from 2016 to 2022, category sales, demographic breakdowns, and many more.

direct-selling-in-the-united-states-2021-industry-report Image Reference: dsa.org

Top 10 MLM Companies in Australia

There are many MLM companies in Australia, and most people who want to enter the network marketing sector are sceptical of the organization’s credibility. Here is a compiled list of the top MLM companies in Australia to help you make an informed decision. So, let’s dive in and discover which MLM companies are worth investing in Down Under!
  1. Usana usanaUsana the direct selling company began its operations in the year of 1992.The main products they deal with are health supplements which have really good reviews across the world. The products sold by them were mostly developed by Dr. Myron Wentz who is an expert in infectious diseases. He gives prime importance for the nutrition. Their major products include multivitamins and antioxidants, protein shakes, and products for weight loss, skin care and other personal care products. Usana is a prominent skin care MLM company that provides quality enriched skin care and personal products.
  2. Modere ModereModere was previously named as Neways and was active in the industry for more than 20 years. But then it was relaunched under the title of Modere in the year 2014.The products include in their category includes personal care and skin care, anti-aging, weight loss and nutritional supplements and even the household cleaning items. Their products are of high quality and in much demand among the customers. The products of Modere are packed in some really nice boxes which are attractive and trendy, so that it alone attracts a lot of customers!
  3. It Works It Works‘It Works’ is one of the fastest growing multi level marketing australian companies. The firm began its operations in the year of 2001 and their portfolio products include healthcare products, skin care products etc.The compensation plan offered by this Australian MLM company is quite unique and can make some really good money if you are ready to work hard. It also includes various other bonuses.
  4. Kyani KyaniKyani was founded in the year 2005. Their major products include nutritional and health care supplements. Some of their major products include Kyani Sunset, Kyani Sunrise, Kyani Nitro and Kyani Nitro Xtreme.To join the firm as an affiliate one should buy a package form the ones provided by the company. You can earn retail commission from the products you sell, and also you will be earning a commission if you recruit more people to your downline as well as from the sales generated by your downline affiliates.
  5. Organo Gold Organo GoldOrgano Gold is relatively a new network marketing company compared to its competitors in Australia. They promote the products which mainly consists of a highly medicinal value herb named the Ganoderma Lucidum which are used by the Chinese since olden days.One of the major attractions of their products are that they are both useful and reasonably priced.
  6. Jeunesse JeunesseRandy Ray and Wendy Lewis founded Jeunesse in 2009. The company is headquartered in Lake Mary, Florida.Jeunesse is known for its beauty and anti-aging products. It is a cutting-edge global company using the latest technology to create innovative products, training, and support. Jeunesse has thousands of distributors around the world. Their products are appreciated for affordability and quality.
  7. Total Life Changes Total Life ChangesTotal Life Changes is known for its Weight Management, Full Body Nutrition, Energy and Fitness, Hair and Skin Care, Women’s Health.In 1999, Jack Fallon founded the company in his basement. Now it is a multinational organization with headquarters in Fair Haven, Michigan. Their products are highly popular in Australia.
  8. Plexus Worldwide Plexus WorldwidePlexus Worldwide, headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, provides science-based health and wellness products that help individuals enhance their daily lives and well-being.Plexus is one of the world’s 40 largest direct-selling organizations, with more than 550,000 affiliated distributors globally, and has been named in the Inc. 500 list of Fastest-Growing Companies.
  9. Isagenix IsagenixIsagenix International, founded in 2002, is a global health and wellness company that offers more than 100 life-changing nutrition and lifestyle products, packs, and systems to people all over the world.The company has over 400,000 customers and is headquartered in Gilbert, Arizona. Isagenix’s revolutionary and scientifically proven approach to weight loss employing a cleansing and fat-burning system has been one of the secrets to their success.
  10. ACN ACNACN Inc. is a multi-level marketing business established in North America that offers telephony, energy, merchant services, and other services through a network of independent sellers who can also recruit additional sellers, depending on the country.ACN commenced operations in the United States in 1993, with headquarters in Concord, North Carolina.

Best Network Marketing Companies in China

Many successful network marketing firms based in China have a large number of distributors throughout the country. The following is a list of the best network marketing companies in China.
No Company Founding Year Annual Revenue(in billion$) Products
1 Infinitus 1992 $ 3.41 Health Care
2 Perfect China 1994 $ 3.06 Health, Skincare & Household
3 Quanjian 2004 $ 2.89 Herbal Medicine
4 Joymain 2009 $ 1.49 Healthcare and Nutrition
5 New Era Health 1995 $ 1.19 Household, healthcare, nutrition & cosmetic
6 New Era 1995 $ 1.10 Healthcare, Cosmetics & Household
7 Longrich 1986 $ 0.99 Household, healthcare, cosmetic & animalcare
8 Yofoto 2004 $ 0.59 Health care & Wellness
9 Rolmex 2001 $ 0.45 Cosmetics, nutritional and Kitchen
10 Golden Days China 1991 $ 0.44 Food supplements


Network marketing has been on the horizon for some time. Thus, it will undoubtedly continue to exist in 100 years! Are you interested in learning more about network marketing and MLM companies? You’re in luck because this blog has everything you need to know! With detailed explanations and thorough research, you’ll have all the information you need to make decisions about which MLM companies to choose and which ones to avoid. MLM is good for the future as it opens up a plethora of opportunities. There are unfortunately some illegal businesses out there. That’s why we recommend staying up to date with the list of blacklisted MLM companies to ensure you’re choosing wisely. Your future success is in your hands.

Firstly, the data on this website is provided solely for reference purposes and therefore certainly should not be mistaken for the information offered under a warranty for any particular company or product. However, we frequently strive to keep records updated, but cannot verify every entry on our database, because mistakes may occur from time to time. Therefore, we will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use of this website, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage. In short, the information in this blog is not intended to replace any professional advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

The most profitable MLM companies to join are Amway, Jeunesse, and Natura Cosmetics. Amway has an annual earnings of $8.8 billion and a net value of $4 billion. Jeunesse’s annual income was $8 billion, with an annual growth rate of 17%. Natura Cosmetics, on the other hand, has an annual earnings of $7.77 billion annually and a business net value of $5.7 billion.

Yes, you can become wealthy by joining an MLM marketing firm if you are willing to put in the effort, consistency, patience, and hard work.

Network marketing is the business model of the twenty-first century. This has enabled many individuals to generate significant profits in a short period. So, network marketing has a brilliant future as long as you are familiar with the various goods and are certain they are not frauds.

In a nutshell, YES!You can begin your MLM career as a trainer and then advance to higher positions based on your performance. Furthermore, working in MLM offers numerous perks and benefits to its users.

“If I would be given a chance to start all over again, I would choose Network Marketing” – Bill GatesBill Gates has always been a supporter of network marketing. According to Bill Gates, network marketing is a golden opportunity for individuals lacking intellectual and economic resources for entrepreneurial ventures, services, or commodities.

An MLM or Multi-Level Marketing companies are organizations that uses the multi-level marketing business model to sell products and grow its network. In this model, product distributors are self-employed business owners who are compensated based on their performance rather than a predetermined wage.

Amway has been the undisputed number 1 MLM company in the world for over a decade. The company recorded a revenue of $ 8.5 billion worldwide in the 2020 financial year. Amway has been active for over 60 years and sells a variety of products including nutrition, beauty, personal care, etc.

There are many doubts regarding who came up with the original multi-level marketing business model idea. According to widely available sources, Dr. Carl Rehnborg, the founder of the California Vitamin Company (later named Nutrilite) invented multi level marketing as a form of direct selling in the United States. Nutrilite and Avon’s products are often regarded as the oldest MLM companies. Both started operations in the early 20th century.

Vorwerk, LR Health & Beauty Systems GmbH.

Immunotec Opulence Global (Global Wealth Trade) Shopping Sherlock.

Forever Living is considered by many as the highest paying MLM company today. Its compensation plan is structured to give attractive commissions and payouts to members. They also offer several discounts to distributors on stock purchases.

No, not all multi-level marketing companies are unlawful or use pyramid scheme.There are Many MLM companies that are completely legal in their business strategy and prioritise on generating good sales above recruiting new members.
Meet The Author
Abdul Majeed PK

Co-founder and Chief Software Architect at iOSS

Abdul Majeed PK is the Co-founder and Chief Software Architect at iOSS, where he excels in leading collaborative projects involving new open-source technologies across global teams. His efficiency in self-motivated endeavors has made him a driving force in the industry. He also blogs regularly, sharing profound insights on productivity and software innovations with a compelling and wisdom-filled approach.

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  • Bob says:

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  • Rick says:

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  • Nick says:

    What is your opinion on WorldVentures direct selling company as I am planning to join that.

  • mlm companies india says:

    Great effort to make a list of worldwide mlm companies. I would like to see the list of top 100 mlm companies in India.

    • admin says:

      Thanks for your feedback! We’re happy to hear that you enjoyed our post. If you’re interested in taking your MLM business to the next level, consider using MLM software to streamline your operations and improve your overall efficiency. Please feel free to browse our website to learn more, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

  • mlm growth says:

    I agree with the list of top mlm companies. These all are the fastest growing network marketing companies.

    • admin says:

      Thanks for your feedback! We’re happy to hear that you enjoyed our post. If you’re interested in taking your MLM business to the next level, consider using MLM software to streamline your operations and improve your overall efficiency. Please feel free to browse our website to learn more, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

    • admin says:

      Glad to hear that you agree with the list of top MLM companies! Utilizing effective MLM software can help these companies continue to grow and scale their operations. Thanks for your insight!

  • MLM Espana says:

    Great list of top netwok marketing companies. We remember , Avon was the leading network marketing company with a total revenue of $ 9 billion in the top mlm companies 2017

  • Priya says:

    Thanks a lot for sharing these top MLM companies. I appreciate your quality content.

    • Saleem says:

      You’re most welcome.

    • admin says:

      Thanks for your feedback! We’re happy to hear that you enjoyed our post. If you’re interested in taking your MLM business to the next level, consider using MLM software to streamline your operations and improve your overall efficiency. Please feel free to browse our website to learn more, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

  • Berny Shise says:

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      Thank you for your feedback! We’re glad to hear that you enjoy our blog and appreciate your interest in contributing as a guest writer. At this time, we are only accepting guest posts that are relevant to the MLM industry and our target audience. However, we encourage you to submit your ideas and we’ll certainly consider them. Additionally, if you’re interested in improving your MLM business, consider using MLM software to streamline your operations and boost your overall efficiency. Please feel free to browse our website to learn more, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

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      Thank you for your positive feedback! We’re glad to hear that you found our article informative and helpful. If you’re interested in taking your MLM business to the next level, consider using MLM software. It can provide powerful tools for managing your sales, commissions, and team members, as well as streamline your overall operations. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or if there’s anything else we can help you with. https://infinitemlmsoftware.com/contact-us.php

  • Terisa Wheaton says:

    After I originally commented I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now every time a comment is added I recieve 4 emails with the exact same comment. Perhaps there is a way you are able to remove me from that service? Cheers!

    • admin says:

      We apologize for the inconvenience of receiving multiple emails. we recommend checking the emails you received for an “unsubscribe” or “manage preferences” option to stop receiving further notifications.

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