Different Types of Payment for Pay in and Payout in MLM System

Pavanan Ghosh

Are you familiar with the different types of payment for pay in and payout in the MLM system?

Well, anyway we will be dealing with it in this article and hope the MLM people out there will benefit!

Why should you be aware of the different pay in and payout options in the MLM system?

If your MLM company is a legitimate one, then they will be dealing with all this through their MLM software.

Get to know more about MLM Software for complete solutions for your Network Marketing Business

But still it’s always advisable to know the basics.

And these different pay in and payout features allows the users or independent business owners to choose the payment system they are comfortable in.

And in this present age of digital explosion, everything is done through the digital platforms because it’s more efficient and who wants to do all these processes manually and waste a lot of time.

Also, there are chances to occur errors since all these complex calculations will be really time consuming to solve!

What are MLM Merchant Accounts?

MLM Merchant accounts allows you to accept payments from the distributors and customers from different parts of the world.

Usually, MLM credit card processing is considered of high risk by the acquiring banks. But no need to worry!

There are still a many other options for MLM payment friendly payment processing for you.

MLM Gateways for High Risk Merchants

MLM companies are classified as high risk by payment processors due to concerns about legal liabilities, potential chargebacks, and unpredictable growth patterns.

A MLM company have hundreds of distributors around the world. And having different payment gateways for the customers worldwide is necessary for receiving and accepting payments.

Your dedicated payment services manager will help you through the application process. And work with you to ensure the greatest likelihood of account approval.

Different Types of Pay In and Payout in MLM System

Now let us see the various payment options provided by the different MLM companies to their agents, which is incorporated with the MLM software they use for their management.

1. The ePDQ-Barclaycard

Barclaycard is the online and card payment service provided by the British Multinational Bank Barclays.

The ePDQ- BArclaycard is a part of the visa network, and this is the widely-used credit card in Europe and UK.

We, iOSS (Infinite Open Source Solutions) have integrated our MLM software perfectly with e-PDQ- Barclaycard and its associated services.

For more details: www.barclaycard.co.uk

2. Authorize.net

Authorize.net is one of the largest online payment gateway service providers in the world.

They enable the traders to transact using the card and electronic check payments through website over IP connection.

And hence to make flexibility in the online transaction, we have successfully integrated our Infinite MLM software with authorize.net.

For more details: www.authorize.net

3. Paypal

Paypal is one of the most popular payment gateway used around the World. Infinite MLM Software is integrated with Paypal and thus we make sure that our customers gets an opportunity to use the most convenient online transaction method.

For more details: www.paypal.com

4. Credit/ Debit Cards

Using of credit or debit cards for various online transaction is also a popular method of money transaction.

And hence all the leading MLM software companies  give much importance in integrating their software with almost every credit and debit card providers like Visa, Maestro, Master Card, E-PDQ Barclaycard, Authorize.net etc.

Some of the major payment gateway service providers across the world are given below for your information.

Payment Gateways Supporting Countries Pay In/Pay Out? Website
PayPal Worldwide Yes www.paypal.com
CyberSource Worldwide Pay In only www.cybersource.com
i-Payout Worldwide Pay Out only www.i-payout.com
Liberty Reserve Worldwide Pay In only www.libertyreserve.com
SolidTrustpay Worldwide Pay In only www.solidtrustpay.com
Cryptocurrency(Bitcoin) Worldwide Yes www.bitcoin.org, www.blocktrail.com
Hipay Wallet Worldwide yes www.hipaywallet.com
eway Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Singapore and Canada Pay In only www.eway.com.au
Skrill Worldwide Pay In only www.skrill.com
Hipay France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain, USA, Brazil Pay In only www.hipay.com
Allied Wallet US, China, UK and Russia Pay In only www.alliedwallet.com
Authorize.net United States, Europe Pay In only www.authorize.net
First Data Worldwide Pay In only www.firstdata.com
NMI United States Pay In only www.nmi.com
Brain Tree N. America, Europe, Asia, & Australia Pay In only www.brraintreepayments.com
CC Avenue India Pay In only www.ccavenue.com
EBS India Pay In only www.ebs.in
Barclay Card Europe Pay In only www.barclaycard.co.uk
Payfast S. Africa Pay In only www.payfast.co.za
Beekash Turkey Pay In only www.beekash.com
Redsys Spain Pay In only www.redsys.es
Payu India Pay In only www.payu.in
Hipay Direct Dubai Pay In only www.hipaydirect.com
Blue Paid US, Europe & Australia Pay In only www.bluepaid.com
Sofort Germany Pay Out only www.sofort.com
ePay.bg Bulgaria Pay In only www.epay.bg


Almost all the major MLM software development companies provide the service of payment gateway integration as their premium feature.

Consult the Infinite MLM Software to make it big in the MLM sector!

For more, check out Free MLM Software Demo

Recommended read: How Payment Gateways Are Integrated in MLM Software

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