Direct Selling Association

A Review of Direct Selling Association

Pavanan Ghosh

What is Direct Selling?

Direct Selling is the business in which marketing and selling of the products or services directly to the customers generally in their homes or at their workplace that is distant from a fixed retail place. This is usually done through explanation or demonstration of the products by a direct seller who is an independent sales representative.Direct selling is a great way to own a business that facilitates profitable self-employment, women empowerment & point of purchase that is more convenient to consumers.

Review Of Direct Selling Association (DSA)

The Direct Selling Association (DSA) represents the business associations in the various countries like India, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and New Zealand which represents direct selling companies, mainly those that use MLM compensation plans.

The DSA gives members a plenty of benefits and services to assist them to grow the industry and to improve their own business performance.

All the services are designed to meet the needs of a direct selling company at all levels.

DSA Member Benefits

Research Services

Research department provides on time and actionable industry data to members to help them make informed business decisions.

Professional Development

DSA keep the direct selling executives up to date on best manners and the changing landscape of the channel by its conferences, seminars, webinars and networking opportunities.

Networking Councils & Governing Committees

Member company executives connect through DSA wide array of networking councils. Mutual interests groups, such as the Party Plan Council, Technology Council and more, provide a forum for pointed conversation on the opportunities and challenges facing our industry.

DSA governing committees expand executives’ professional networks and offer opportunities for them to rise to leadership positions.

Internal Resources

DSA host briefings for member company executives and a Speakers Bureau to help companies express the importance of the industry to the management team, field leaders or investors.

Salesforce Programs

DSA always looks for new ideas to encourage direct sellers. They offer members’ sales force shipping discounts, credit union membership, and insurance services.


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